Heather had her house decorated to pure perfection! Every detail for a little man's party was there. She did a nostalgic bbq all adorned with sunflowers, lollipops, old fashion soda pop, popcorn and cracker jacks. The metallic windmills in sand buckets were the perfect touch.
There were lots of kiddos present, but don't be confused that this was a party all for tots. Beer and wine were readily flowing and the party continued on well after bedtimes. It was an event for little people and big people alike!
If you live in Dallas you must try Tart's cakeballs. Red Velvet and double chocolate. Check.
Disclaimer, this next part is sap. Pure sap. I don't typically speak in such a way, but today calls for it.
1. The way you dance in the morning
2. The need to have your back scratched when you wake up
3. Your love for this baby on the way (and your look of utter surprise when you feel her move)
4. Your ability to do really hard math in your head
5. The way you take care of the bills
6. The meticulous way you tie your tie
7. Your time systems on a road-trip
8. Your love for espresso. Really good espresso.
9. Your ignorance to music (my favorite is when you think someone like New Order sings a song by The Cure)
10. And finally, your passion to travel, see and do
Of course these aren't all of the things I love about you. And all of these go with the fact that you love and take care of me and for that I'm forever grateful.
Love you, bestie!
The meeting of the little brother!
There's the mom and dad, Kendra and Michael. They produce great looking kiddos! Congratulations Kendra and Michael...you've given our family such joy with these 3 great kiddos! I can't wait to see these brothers grow.
Meet the Big Brothers! Brady and Brock are the big brothers of this household and absolutely adore the little man on the scene. It was precious to see. They couldn't wait to get back to the hospital to be with Bryer....or their mom. What a neat relationship moms have with their sons.
Meet Brady. Biggest Brother. What a sweetie pie. Brady is a rule follower, a fabulous soccer player and the best big brother out there. He loves little Bryer and wants to hold him and be with him all the time.
Brock, Brocksty, Brock-lee, middle brother...
Brock is hilarious! He mooned the parking lot from the hospital the other night. He's a riot. Always looking for some fun and so sweet all the time in between. He's the helper around the house. Yesterday he said we needed to take his mom and dad their pillows so they could sleep better in the hospital. Heart of gold!
Meet Eddie or Pops, my father-in-law. He is as sweet as he looks in this picture. Every morning he offers a cup of coffee as soon as your feet hit the floor. He's a giver and a doer. He loves his family and especially his grandkids. He can't wait for little Julia to get here. He's already started the "my girls" routine talking about me and the princess. It's so sad she won't be loved!
Here's the momma hen, Grammie. Grammie is as good as the get. She's not pushy, she's not in your business, she just loves. She cares for and loves every little chick in this family. She always takes her turn last and just soaks up all the family time she can. All the grandsons think Pops is the greatest thing since sliced bread. She's holding out the Jules will snuggle and cuddle and sit on her lap. We're giving her some one-on-one time in the fall after Julia arrives. We hope this gives her a little headstart!
Here's my brother-in-law, Rich, Richie, Richard or Roodle. He's Clint's little brother and is the baby of the family. He's in college at the University of New Mexico and we're so proud of him! He studies hard and finds time to keep his body all toned up. Very impressive. He doesn't have the aggressive personality of Clint AT ALL. He's very relaxed, very chill, very kind hearted and takes his time DOING EVERYTHING. It drives Mr. Antsy Pants Crazy!
The little man! What is more sweet than a newborn? Bryer has a little puppy squeal that is so cute.
The Chief was attempting to watch the World Cup. His glasses were in the car. Apparently the Stevie Wonder look works well.
They say I'm up next...hope I'm ready!
I hope your weekend was as heart filling as ours. Have a great week!