Monday, June 21, 2010

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

That's one of those sayings my dad used to say all the time. That being said, my Father's Day posting is late.

Father's Day has been a dreadful day for the past 11 years. I hate Father's Day. It's a fine day if you have one, but when you don't, there's just a whole lotta gifts, cards, golf, grilling and such all in your face. It's depressing. Very depressing.

This year brought about something different. I have something new. A baby daddy. At first I thought it was a bit lame to celebrate the chief this year. After all, the baby's not here and he certainly isn't the one carrying her for 10 months. But, he's worked his tail off trying to coordinate some projects around our house before I go bananas trying to nest. He's also built a piece of furniture, hung a chandelier and moved an entire guestroom of furniture out to the garage ALL BY HIMSELF. I would say that deserves some applause. Not to mention, he's painted the nursery and the living room and continues to deal with the "when's the rest going to be complete?" question. He's a good man, and I couldn't ask for a better dad for my daughter.

I consulted the princess on her ideas for a gift. She insisted we give him a new hammer to replace his rusted, broken one. She was embarrassed that's what he was using to get her room ready. Then she suggested a massage after all of his hard work. He was thrilled. He had tears in his tired eyes thinking of her being here next year. He's requested a day swimming with Jules on his first "official" Father's Day. But for now, we celebrated a new beginning of happier times.

Clint building a cabinet for Julia's room

Clint enjoying a beer on the river

Clint enjoying a beer in Frankfurt, Germany

Clint and me on the river this weekend

They say you marry someone just like your father. I think and hope I did. In the 17 years I spent with my dad, I learned a lot. He was the greatest dad a little girl could ever ask for. He instilled in me the gift to give, the act to care, the spirit to have fun and the inspiration to dream. I hope my daughter will have the same given to her.

I hope you all enjoyed your Father's Day. However and whomever you chose to celebrate.



  1. It's Laura's sister, Sarah, here. Waiting for some banana bread, that's probably burned, to come out of the open so I thought I'd blog browse. I feel for you. Mother's Day was really hard this year. I can't imagine having 11 Father's Days without my dad. But it's so nice to know you have a new DAD to celebrate. And can from now on. So excited to hear about your little girl!! congrats--SARAH

  2. Thinking about you, sweet friend! Glad you all had a nice day together, and congrats to Clint! He's going to be the best dad ever. You are truly blessed. Love you lots!

  3. Lindsey - I definitely thought about Tom and you of course this last weekend. Hard to believe it has been 11 years as that day will live vividly in my head until my final days. I am so thrilled for you and cannot wait to meet Julia! I love you! Cheers to many happy years ahead, you deserve it :)

  4. Love you friend and miss your daddy... my second dad! So excited for Clint to become a daddy to Baby Jules- you will fall in love with him all over again!! xoxo!
