Happy Friday! We hope you get to put your feet up over this holiday weekend.

Of course here is a picture during the process and by the time it was pretty and all ready to serve I forgot to snap a final shot. I used my lovely, white asparagus platter that they used to sell at Crate and Barrel, but I can no longer find it. What a shame...it allows for a beautiful presentation for asparagus and especially this recipe with the dressing drizzled across the top. Anyhow, it was a lovely, fresh, new recipe that turned out great. Give it a shot!
These two guys love each other. Uncle Clint is the only one allowed to call Henry "Hankers". They're buddies and it's all pretty cute to see. Red heads look cute in green, huh?
Do you remember the days when we didn't check email and text messages 185,000 times a day? Remember when you would wake up, take a shower, get dressed, drive all the way to work and not have a clue about what was sitting in your inbox? Now you can't board an airplane without the internet. Are we expected to work 100% of the time? Wow, how things have changed.
My dear friend, whom I will let remain anonymous, responded to an email from the elliptical machine the other day. I gave her hell for it and she said if she doesn't keep up she'll have so many things piled up she won't remember to respond. Is it such that our lives are so busy we can't go to the gym without our blackberry, iphone or droid attached? No solitude to be found?
As soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning are you checking emails, facebook, blogs, texts? Or are you the kind that's oblivious that the world is running at a rapid pace and you don't need or want to jump on the hamster wheel?
So readers....post your comments! I'd love to know your thoughts.
Happy Hump Day. May you enjoy some "leisure" on this day, if you will, without the blinking lights, chimes, rings and dings of your chosen portable device.
*All images are courtesy of Google Images
The dressing looked like this. It was a hit around here. Most people could probably come up with this on their own, it wasn't a hard or complicated dish. I just needed a little help from the moms. So, thank you mom. You saved the day!
This Imperial Trellis (that I literally want to cuddle with every time I look at) is going to be the inside of the bumper. I know, I should use it on the outside, but I want to be able to see it in all its glory. Plus, the geometric pattern might allow Julia to increase to genius status with all the stimulation. Okay, probably not, but I can dream!
The white Minkee Dot is going to be the outside of the bumper. Again, I know it should be on the inside, but get with my visual and you'll be on board.
This pink and white will be a bias-cut (I just learned this fancy sewing term). This will be used as the ruffle along the top of the bumper and for the BOWS on the bumper. I must admit, I'm pretty excited to have BIG BOWS on the bumper.
This is almost a big, abstract paisley. It will be the gathered skirt.
What do you think? Are you laughing that I almost went neutral and didn't find out the sex? It is rather funny...now it's turned into flower chandeliers, pink bows and ALL GIRL. It's okay, I'm laughing too.
Here's the last little treasure I will show you from the shopping trip. Isn't he cute? Isn't he even cuter under the new dome? I can't wait for it to all come together!
Sorry for the long, drawn-out episode. And the fact that it's another post entirely about the nursery. It's 7:30 am and I'm awake while the rest of my crew is tightly tucked into bed. I'm cozied up with my Pandora, my chandelier dimly lit and a candle beside me, which entails a long post. Enjoy your Sunday and get to shoppin for your momma. You got a week!