Yesterday was my friend, Christie's birthday...she's one of my thrift, junk, re-sale, trade days, antique shopping friends. We geek out over a helluva deal. There is always a string of text messages happening with pictures, comments, questions, "should I get this", "look at this deal" kind of thing going between us. I think I had her birthday luck on my side yesterday.
I scored this ginger jar lamp for $0.76. Yes, pennies, 76 of them. Best part, the lady at the cash register reminded me that this item could not be returned. I took a deep breath and hoped I was making the right decision. I also slid my credit card back into my wallet and dug out a dollar bill. Apparently I'm not well versed in their tagging system.

Then I hit up my usual hot spot and scored these babies for $60. A little mo-mo looking, but I can see a light colored linen on these in my soon to be painted deep, rich colored bedroom.
I was a little sick to my stomach after having passed up these guys. As soon as my tater tot woke up from her morning nap we scooted back. THEY. WERE. STILL. THERE. Just a tip, most things in pairs are a good find. Snag them when you see them. They were marked $21.99 each. My designer thinks a glossy white on these puppies behind my bedside tables would be key. I agree. I took them up to the register, one at a time with baby on hip. My sweet cashier (same one from yesterday) informed me they were $4.40 for the pair. I about dropped my child and fell on the floor laughing. I wanted to scream "Hell to the yeah" just like Oprah said to Ralph Lauren. Did ya'll not about die when that happened? The 72 year old fashion icon of the world and Oprah says to him, "Hell to the yeah". I ABOUT DIED. In case she forgot, he's not Jay-Z.
*Elizabeth, if you are reading...I know you wanted to scrub with the S.O.S pad ASAP.
I digress....
A birthday shout to all of those I'm lovin in May! Happy Birthday!
May 4: Meredith
May 5: Aunt Susan
May 9: Kendra
May 10: Heather
May 11: Jennie
May 12: Aunt Lynell
May 14: Jessica
May 18: Kelsey
May 19: Mandy
May 20: Stacy
May 22: Kristin
May 24: Christie
May 30: Laura