I was welcomed into my new neighborhood with a special invitation. Just the kind I like!
My dear friend, Christie, invited moi along with my still dear friend, but old neighbor, Jana, to do a little treasure hunting. I'm all about a find. We didn't know much about this said "warehouse sale open to the public" in a small, Podunk town, but best believe we were willing to check it out. Sale started at 10 am and we rolled in just about 10:01 am and by that time every interior designer in Dallas had scooped up MOST of the goods. But not all...
This little town is what I would call rural. Very rural. I would imagine a lot of big trucks and such, but on Saturday when we turned the corner it was all sorts of big Range Rovers and Lexus SUVs packed in the parking lot of a modernized barn-ish structure. That's always a good sight when you're unsure if this is legit or not.
Check out what I scored...

This is quite obviously a kinda cheesy re-production of an old London map. But, re-production or not, I like it. I have a real desire to own big, original maps from some of the places I've traveled. They're rather pricey, so for now this framed re-production will work quite nicely....especially for the give-away price tag.
Here was the deal of the day.
(Pardon the horrible camera phone pictures. I'm lazy today with a screaming, teething child. Big, good camera just wasn't in the cards.)Granted, these are old school filing cabinets (circa a sweet 1982, I'm sure), but they are going to work PERFECTLY as my new bedside tables once they get a fresh, creamy coat of paint. I spied two that were already sold. Totally bummed, I got a serious bug under my bonnet (as my mom says) and started searching. After a little digging I saw two more! SOLD.
I wanted something along the lines of a bureau to adorn the sides of our bed, but knew what I truly wanted was way "outs.the.price.range". So...what could be better than these large, perfect-for-the-space beauties for $10 a pop?!?! I said...not much, I'll take 'em!
Then we were onto the local yocal antique shop. Man, there were a LOAD of treasures to be had in there. A load was still there largely because this sweet couple was a bit over priced on a lot of things. But...we managed to find some goodies!! Jana scored big here...I'll see if she can send me some pictures of her goodies and how she's using them. They turned out CUTE!
As for me...

Some salt and pepper shakers from Japan. Love the colors!
I also found some great records for my brother, the record collector. I can't wait to hear Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline" on his sweet set-up.
Afterwards we had time to squeeze in the re-sale shop. That's always a hit or miss, but we did find some scores amongst some snotty, coughing children. I was glad the clean, never around too many germs princess was securely at home with her Da. I got my mom hand sanitizer keychain out and pushed on.

$0.99 silver tray. YES.

Scale is a little hard to distinguish here, but these are a pair of bud vases. I love anything in a pair and at $1.99 each these were a must. I think they might find a home by each sink in my jack-and-jill bath.
And lastly...

A cheese tray and dome for a whopping $3.99. Done.
Do you have some treasure hunting spots? Do you think antique stores are just for old people and moth balls? You should find your local shop and pop in. There are tons of great things to be had! It's always a good idea to take a good friend that's interested in your kind of thing. Even if your styles are different, just someone that enjoys the thrill of a good find. Then plan for a nice lunch and a glass or two of chardonnay. Makes for a great Saturday afternoon. Good luck digging.