Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ga-lad that's over

Yeah, I know, I had all sorts of thoughts and aspirations about what I was posting on particular days. Well, life is still all outta whack and sometimes it just doesn't pan out. Doin the best I can, K!

I just wanted to update all that care on the tater tot and her latest and greatest. She was a champ during her shots. I swore I wouldn't be the kind of mom that cried, but I most def had a big crocodile tear in my eye. I think The Chief did too. What's so sad is that they have NO BLASTED CLUE what's about to happen. Worst part, the nurse that administered the shots was the same YOUNG, UNEXPERIENCED nurse that did Jules's heel prick TWO times when she was merely days old. I thought The Chief was going to come unglued when she walked in. All went well.

Julia is weighing 9 lbs 9 oz and plugging along just great! I can't believe the first day we showed up in there she was 5 lbs 7 oz. We've come along way, baby! Check out these cheekie cheeks. As you can see we're starting to wear black. It's slimming. I kid, I kid, I'm just about over the pink parade. I was never really on it, but had no choice. Thank goodness Gap has some dhar-ling black clothes out for the little ones. Very Parisian of them and just in time for the holidays.

This was Julia's first true outing. She got to lunch while her parents had a lovely meal and a couple glasses of adult bevies taking in a deep breath for making it 8 weeks. I must say, on night one we weren't sure we'd get here. For all of you that have paved this course before us, I now see why you can continue to go on to have more children. For those of you yet to hit this mark, just know if you can survive the first 8 weeks you begin to see the sun coming out from hiding behind the dark, black clouds. Cheers to learning every day as you go!

+This post is in no way meant to drag up argument or opinions on vaccinations. I had NO idea that vaccinations were as hot of a topic as breastfeeding or moreso. For the record, The Chief and I are doing the regularly scheduled vaccination plan because we feel that's the safest, best option for our family and our child.


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