What "they" say is true...children teach you patience. And test it too.
Strapping-in this wiggle worm while it's a blazing 105 degrees isn't the easiest thing. Make-up running down my face. Sunglasses slipping off my nose. Sweat dripping behind my knees. Deep breaths and one look at this pop-tart, and I continue to melt like butta. So yes, what "they" say is true. Patience. I gain a little more each day. Thank God. As I almost came across the counter and slapped an extremely rude sales person I was thankful for the newly found patience. I didn't want to get into a brawl in front of my precious, innocent child, but about a year ago I would have likely caused a scene.
I hope you're surviv' the heat if you live in a climate where it's similar to an oven.
{As a disclaimer...I am very thankful and fortunate to stay home and take this bebe out during the day. I wouldn't trade it for a very cold corner office with a downtown view. I assume you take that as a given. }